'time travel into the past is possible'
[ support:100% : certainty:3 ] · [6 replies] · [0 comment]
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supporting arguments 33% · [make argument]
100% · Re: dt/dt
by JoeCool on 2006-02-24 20:44:29
I'm not sure this is really an argument, but if we can remember what happened yesterday, isn't this to some extent time travel?
opposing arguments 66% · [make argument]
100% · Re: dt/dt
by anonymous on 2006-02-10 07:49:32
By this same logic we could define slope as the change in x over y or s = dx/dy. Does this definition make it impossible to move along the y axis because then the slope of our movement would be dy/dy? No. but it does say that if you move along the y axis your slope will be a constant.
100% · Re: dt/dt
by metric on 2006-02-10 08:06:55
The parent argument's error is that the math in physics represents a homomorphism between an abstract a priori construct we call math and a physical nature. Without properly understanding the underlying form of nature, the homomorphism breaks down. The last I checked, no one knows what time is, or how matter really behaves with respect to it. Therefore, dt/dt=1 does not rule out the possibility for time travel.

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