'With enough force, cheese can go through 8 miles of titanium'
[ support:100% : certainty:10 ] · [2 replies] · [0 comment]
arguments · summary

title: 'Re: interesting..'
text: 'Since the only constraint on the titanium is that there are '8 miles' of it, and the only constraint on its interaction with the cheese is that the cheese have 'enough force' to 'go through 8 miles of titanium,' the simple solution is to choose to assemble the titanium into a hollow cylinder, or 'tube' shape, eight miles long. By orienting the tube vertically on Earth's surface, the only force needed to put the cheese through it, would be that required to put the cheese at a point slightly above the top opening of the tube. Depending whether the total force measured includes construction of the tube, it might be more convenient to construct it underground or at a deep spot in the ocean, but it is physically possible.'
date: 2008-02-11 06:32:22
submitter: anonymous
effective: 0
support: 0
oppose: 0
stancePos: 0
stanceNeg: 0
repliesSupport: 0
repliesOppose: 0
repliesTotal: 0
comments: 0

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