'private property'
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0% · feasibility
by anonymous on 2005-04-21 00:52:59
Government would need to be huge and pervasive in order to be able to efficiently distribute property on such a scale as a large country. Private property is a distributed system where capital gain is used to pass ownership to those who need it most. My point is that "those who need it most" know they need the property better than their government ever would. The Government would hand over that property to government controlled, inefficient, and corrupt organizations. I don't expect a majority of the people to ever be aware enough to fix something like that.
0% · power
by anonymous on 2005-04-21 00:59:34
Power corrupts. Giving the Government the decision of who controls certain private property would be pooling power into one place. It's my observation that that amount of concentrated power attracts corrupt people. As I often hear Harry Browne say: "The problem isn't the abuse of power, it's the power to abuse."

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