parent point
When discussing the 'War on Drugs' many pro-legalisation campaigners argue the failings of prohibition but is legalisation the answer? We can look at America's failings with prohibition of alcohol but which drug that is now freely available causes more harm than any other? Yes of course, it's alcohol. More social and health issues are caused by this 'safe' drug even with heavily restricted sales. Do these restrictions prevent young people accessing alcohol and binge drinking, clearly not. So legalise drugs, restrict their sale to juveniles and watch and weep as access to damaging and harmful drugs leads us to a nation where we have young adults suffering psychosis, long-term memory loss, heart problems etc etc. Visit your late night pharmacy and wait for one of the kids at the bus-stop to saunter over with a tenner and ask "You couldn't get us a gram of heroin and three syringes please Mister?" That's the reality of legalisation.
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