'The right to freedom of expression does not imply the right to offend religious beliefs.'
[ support:-66% : certainty:17 ] · [9 replies] · [0 comment]
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supporting arguments 0% · [make argument]
by anonymous on 2006-03-02 21:55:55
this is a good point
opposing arguments 100% · [make argument]
by JoeCool on 2006-02-24 20:16:25
If one chooses not to express his disconcent for someone or thing just because it may be offensive, he is choosing to stifle his own rights and suppor oppression. Should Marx have used self-censorship before writing his works, simply because others may feel it a bad idea? While ideas may face stiff resistance, they are still beneficial to a healthy society.
by metric on 2006-02-24 04:46:38
You make the false presumption that the 9/11 attacks, the london bombings, etc. were reactions based on our free speech "They hate us because we are free". I would argue, military aggression, bad trade policies, and support of their enemies (Israel) were the cause of them. If the west hadn't made such a bad image of itself, tolerance of our speech might be on a more level tone. These outbursts of violence are the culmination of the west's long-term disrespect for Muslim Nations.

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