supporting arguments
69% ·
[make argument]
· recursive
by anonymous on 2005-01-22 04:53:01
Contemplating the motives of asking the question is indeterminate because it is defined in terms of itself. The conscience of the universe itself cannot even express the quantity of what is doesn't know.
by deathcloset on 2005-01-21 23:31:26
Lets say you have a database which lists customer names.
It is possible to ask the database, what are the names of all my customers in the database.
It is impossible to ask the database, what are the names of all my customers who are NOT in the database.
opposing arguments
30% ·
[make argument]
· determining quantity
by anonymous on 2005-01-22 05:04:10
it's easy to determine the quantity of something you don't know.
"Yo, Bob, how many of those doohickeys over on the shelf are there?"