'private property'
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supporting arguments 0% · [make argument]
by anonymous on 2005-06-16 18:11:06
To significantly alter the structure of property law in this country would be to wreak havoc on the foundations of government and self-sufficiency. Who among men is qualified to decide which claimant holds the greatest social value? To place this power in the hands of any government is to invite corruption, no matter how morally upright the leaders. Bias, nepotism, and mismanagement naturally occur in any situation where the power of the individual is overruled by obscure one-size-fits-all social doctrine for the masses.
by anonymous on 2005-06-16 18:11:53
To significantly alter the structure of property law in this country would be to wreak havoc on the foundations of government and self-sufficiency. Who among men is qualified to decide which claimant holds the greatest social value? To place this power in the hands of any government is to invite corruption, no matter how morally upright the leaders. Bias, nepotism, and mismanagement naturally occur in any situation where the power of the individual is overruled by obscure one-size-fits-all social doctrine for the masses.
0% · Property
by anonymous on 2005-06-16 18:12:28
To significantly alter the structure of property law in this country would be to wreak havoc on the foundations of government and self-sufficiency. Who among men is qualified to decide which claimant holds the greatest social value? To place this power in the hands of any government is to invite corruption, no matter how morally upright the leaders. Bias, nepotism, and mismanagement naturally occur in any situation where the power of the individual is overruled by obscure one-size-fits-all social doctrine for the masses.
opposing arguments 0% · [make argument]
0% · Monopoly
by princevince on 2005-04-20 09:19:52
Property is a state-protected monopoly over the use of certain objects. This is inefficient since it restricts its use when it might be benificial for people other than the owner. It would be better to exchange the system of owner rights to a model where the claimer with highest potential of social benefit receives the rights.

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