most active debate points:
support · uncertain · oppose
-23% God exists
-76% drug prohibition
-82% death penalty
43 % is superior to
-33% global warming is happening
71 % needs improvement
80 % needs to be advertised
45 % The "two party" system is bad for the US.
55 % teach evolution instead of creationism
54 % privatization
20 % hate crime laws
-33% scratchpad
0 % government monitoring
41 % agricultural subsidies
100% Osama Bin Laden is trying to make the world a better place.
33 % recreational drugs shouldn't be outlawed
33 % microkernels are better than monolithic
-33% Privacy can be protected in the Information Age.
33 % free trade
33 % Doctor-Assisted Suicide Should be Legalized for the Terminally Ill.
-100% Debating with this website's author is pointless because he doesn't believe in facts.
100% Linux is better than Windows
38 % It is impossible to determine or express the quantity of what one does not know.
-14% Tony Blair is the president of Japan
-14% automation will eventually decrease the number of jobs
100% The laws of the U.S. are not based on the bible.
100% religion is a human behavioural instinct
-66% The right to freedom of expression does not imply the right to offend religious beliefs.
25 % The protection of private property by government is authoritarian.
100% linux will eventually overtake microsoft
0 % This statement is a very good "sandbox example" for debatepoint.
100% Chuck Norris doesn't churn butter. He roundhouse kicks the cows and the butter comes straight out.
100% copyright law does more harm than good
-100% dieting to lose weight is a hazard to your health
-100% be it ressolved that technology is the enemy of human progress
-100% There should be categories in the forum. It would make finding and discussing posts much easier.
100% The US Must Exercise World Leadership
100% The test at is invalid
-100% The Moon is made of cheese.
100% Race Should Not be a Consideration in College Admissions
100% private property should be protected by government
100% Dick Cheney Should Be In A John Woo Film
100% Obama's Mamma... is TRASH
-100% MacOS is better than Linux
100% La charte ne devrait pas être adoptée
100% If I knew more than what I know now, my beliefs would change.
100% With enough force, cheese can go through 8 miles of titanium
100% time travel into the past is possible
100% The Honda Insight has a design flaw with its EGR valve.
0 % The Media Introduces Us to New Ways of Thinking About Things.

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